Program of
Third All-Russian Conference
"Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections
Petrozavodsk, September 11-13, 2001
(Program in RTF format)
September, 11
10:00-10:30 | Opening of RCDL'2001 (Conference Hall, "White Springs") |
Session: Methodology of creation of digital libraries in science (Conference Hall, "White Springs")
Chair: Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math., Prof. Vladimir V. Mazalov
10:30-10:50 | Using new technologies in Russian Foundation for Basic Research and support of the projects on information resources (in Russian)
O.A. Plechova |
10:50-11:10 | Current research information system and digital libraries. Needs for integration. (in Russian)
M. V. Kulagin, A. S. Lopatenko |
11:10-11:30 | Distibuted information system of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences: the state and prospectives. (in Russian)
Y.I. Shokin, A.M. Fedotov, O.L. Zhizhimov, N.A. Mazov |
11:30-11:50 | Role of virtual digital libraries in Internet. (in Russian)
Sergei A. Arnautov |
Session: Integration of heterogeneous information collections (Conference Hall, "White Springs")
Chair: Cand. (PhD) of Tech., assistant prof. Victor N. Zakharov
12:10-12:30 | Mapping of the synthesis language intro RDFS (in Russian)
I.N. Turin, D.O. Briukhov, L.A. Kalinichenko |
12:30-12:50 | An appoach to semiautomatic wrappers generation in heterogeneous information retrieval collection mediators of digital libraries (in Russian)
M.A.Osipov, D.O. Briukhov, L.A.Kalinichenko, I.V.Leontiev |
12:50-13:10 | Integration of information retrieval systems in the DL mediator of heterogeneous data collections using IRS IRBIS as an example (in Russian)
Leontiev I.V., Kalinichenko L.A.,Maximov N.V. |
13:10-13:30 | The uniform environment of the distributed resources (GRID) and digital libraries (in Russian)
Alexey V.Zhuchkov, Sergei A. Arnautov |
Session: Metadata (Auditorium N 450, "White Springs")
Chair: Cand. (PhD) of Tech., assistant prof. Mikhail R. Kogalovsky
12:10-12:30 | Metadata usage in digital libraries for research and and technology. Creating and support of application profiles for science (in Russian)
V.A. Serebryakov, A.S. Lopatenko, A.A. Filipova |
12:30-12:50 | Integrated access to the web mailing list archives (in Russian)
D.Barashev, S.Coox, E.Michailova, I.Nekrestyanov, B.Novikov, E.Pavlova, A.Vysotsky |
12:50-13:10 | Functional approach to semistructured data management and its application in implementation of digital libraries (in Russian)
O. Juravleva, K. Lisovsky,E. Tomusjak, G. Tomusjak |
13:30-14:30 | Lanch |
14:30-15:30 | Tutorial "Digital library interoperability with the open archives initiative"
T. Krichel (Conference Hall, "White Springs") |
15:30-15:40 | Break |
Session: Dictionaries and thesauri (Conference Hall, "White Springs")
Chair: Cand. (PhD) of Phys. and Math. Oleg L. Zhizhimov
15:40-16:00 | The ways of fixing of the initial information requirements of the users interacting with digital libraries through the mediator containing the thesaurus and subject classifier (in Russian)
E.N. Kazakov |
16:00-16:20 | The reuse of dictionaries in infilling new ones (in Russian)
Vitaly V. Smirnov |
16:20-16:40 | Thesaurus and automatic conceptual indexing in university information system "Russia" (in Russian)
Boris V. Dobrov, Natalia V. Loukachevitch |
16:40-17:00 | Query building to the web search engines using thesaurus (in Russian)
Pavel Braslavsky |
Session: Multilingual data access (Auditorium N 450, "White Springs")
Chair: Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math., Prof. Leonid A. Kalinichenko
15:40-16:00 | Towards Automatic Content-Based Organization of Multilingual Digital Libraries: An English, French, and German View of the Russian Information Agency
Andreas Rauber, Michael Dittenbach, Dieter Merkl |
16:00-16:20 | Practical (and Impractical) Aspects of Building the "Meeting of Frontiers" Russian-American Cooperative Web Site with Russian Partners
Michael Neubert, Deborah M. Thomas |
16:20-16:40 | An Architectural Proposal for a Cross-language System to Federate Multilingual Digital Libraries
Nieves R. Brisaboa, Angeles S. Places, Carme F. P.-Sanjulian, Francisco J. Rodriguez |
16:40-17:00 | Japanese self-teacher (in Russian)
Alexander Wurdow |
17:00-17:10 | Break |
17:10-18:10 | Tutorial "XML platform standards and databases" (in Russian)
M.R.Kogalovsky (Conference Hall, "White Springs") |
18:10-19:10 | Supper |
19:10-21:00 | Round-table discussion: Digital Libraries on oriental studies (Auditorium N 450, "White Springs") |
September, 12
Session: Digital libraries in education (Conference Hall, KarRC RAS)
Chair: Michael Neurbert
9:00-9:40 | Tutorial "Digital Libraries in Education: State of the Art"
L.A. Kalinichenko |
9:40-10:20 | Developing Means for International Collaboration in the Creation of Digital Libraries for Education
D. Fulker, Alex Ushakov |
10:20-11:00 | ADEPT: Core middleware search and client services
Terence Smith, Alex Ushakov |
11:00-11:20 | Break |
Session: Technological aspects (Conference Hall, KarRC RAS)
Chair: Dr. (DSc) of Tech. Nikolai E. Kalenov
11:20-11:40 | Security Filtering of Medical Images Using OCR
James Z. Wang |
11:40-12:00 | The access to relational database management systems via Z39.50 protocol (in Russian)
Oleg Zhizhimov, Sergey Skibin |
12:00-12:20 | B-Nodes: A New Method for Modeling Digital Libraries
S.P. Maj, D. Veal, R. White |
12:20-12:40 | The huge data volumes stirage and its effective utilization (in Russian)
Vadim F. Pavlov, Dmitry A. Kovrigin |
12:40-13:00 | Semantic Encoding and Markup of Georeferenced Documents in Polythematic Digital Libraries of Scientific Literature
Igor Zatsman |
Session: Search methods and algorithms (Conference Hall, Institute of Linguistics, History and Literature, KarRC RAS)
Chair: Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math., Prof. Boris A. Novikov
11:20-11:40 | Distributed search and data replication technology of ISIR system (in Russian)
A.Bezdoushny, D. Kovalev, V.Serebriakov |
11:40-12:00 | Query expansion with usage of the probabilistic latent semantic indexing (in Russian)
V.Dobrynin, I. Nekrestyanov |
12:00-12:20 | Information agent for creation of thematic collection of electronic documents (in Russian)
Rushdi A. Amamra |
12:20-12:40 | Semantic methods effectiveness estimation in information retrieval (in Russian)
Igor E. Kuralenok |
12:40-13:00 | New search engine for the nuclear reactions experiments data from EXFOR international system (in Russian)
V.V.Varlamov, S.V.Ivanov, N.N.Peskov, M.E.Stepanov |
13:00-13:40 | Dinner |
14:00-19:00 | Water tour to Kizhi museum |
19:30 | Banquet ( "White Springs") |
September, 13
Session: Thematic collections (I) (Conference Hall, "White Springs")
Chair: Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math., Prof. Vladimir A. Serebryakov
9:00-9:20 | Atmospheric WWW portal (in Russian)
Gordov E.P., De Rudder °., Ippolitov I.I., Krutikov V.A., Lykosov V.N., Mikhalev A. , Fazliev A.Z., Fedra º. |
9:20-9:40 | Development of electronic collection on thermal constants of substances (in Russian)
Belov G.V., Bergman G.A., Iorish V.S. Levashov P.R., Pokrovsky B.I., Tabunov M.M., Yungman V.S. |
9:40-10:00 | Internet collections for molecular spectroscopy (in Russian)
Yu.L Babikov, A. Barbe, V.F.Golovko, S.N. Mikhailenko, Vl.G.Tyuterev |
10:00-10:20 | Research base for professional investigations and education in social sciences (in Russian)
Tatyana Yudina |
10:20-10:40 | Electronic collection of information resources on toponymics of the European North of Russia (in Russian)
Vladimir Vdovitsyn, Georgy Kert, Natalia Belyaeva, Natalia Lugovaya, Anatoly Sorokin, Julia Chuiko |
Session: Thematic collections (II) (Auditorium N 450, "White Springs")
Chair: Cand. (PhD) of Tech. Eugeny N. Kazakov
9:00-9:20 | Development of an information retrieval system on antarctic benthos and birds ecology (ecoant) on the basis of an electronic collection of invertabrates, fishes and birds (in Russian)
I.S.Smirnov, A.L.Lobanov, M.B.Dianov, A.A.Golikov, A.F.Alimov, A.V.Neelov, M.V.Gavrilo |
9:20-9:40 | Event-continuous pulsar astrometry data collection (in Russian)
A.E.Avramenko, O.V.Doroshenko, Yu.P.Ilyasov, V.A.Potapov, O.B.Dluzhnevskaya |
9:40-10:00 | Knowledge collection on lakes Onega and Ladoga (in Russian)
N. Filatov, V.Lebedev |
10:00-10:20 | LDL (LANDSCAPE DIGITAL LIBRARY). A digital photographic database of a case study area in the river Po valley, Northern Italy
Davide Papotti, Alberto Salarelli |
Session: Electronic publishing (Conference Hall, "White Springs")
Chair: Sergei A. Arnautov
11:00-11:20 | Discovery of the additional knowledge and their automatic indexing via citations (in Russian)
V.V.Ezhela, V.E.Bunakov, S.B.Lugovsky, V.S.Lugovsky, K.S.Lugovsky |
11:20-11:40 | Elaboration of the technology of creating of electronic collections of xix-the beginning of XX-century issues (in Russian)
Ruzanova N.S., Leontyev A.A., Ivanova S.V. |
11:40-12:00 | Designing of the electronic publications support system. (in Russian)
P.A. Dmitriev |
Session: Digital collections in traditional libraries (Auditorium N 450, "White Springs")
Chair: Cand. (PhD) of Tech. Nikolay V. Maksimov
11:00-11:20 | Electronic library of the RSL is a component of the RSL (in Russian)
Igor A. Gruzdev, Olga A. Lavrenova, Boris S.Perli |
11:20-11:40 | Electronic libraries elements at the Library for natural sciences of RAS. (in Russian)
S.A. Vlasova, N.E. Kalenov, O.D. Kallistratova, T.N. Solovieva |
11:40-12:00 | Information system "ORIENTALISM" (in Russian)
Alexander V. Kotov, Vladimir A. Serebryakov, Alexander V. Stolyarov |
12:00-12:20 | Objects for standartization in the profiles of electronic libraries of Russia (in Russian)
E.N. Pilinov, A.V. Boychenko |
12:30-13:30 | Lanch |
13:30-15:30 | Presenting posters (Hall, "White Springs") |
15.30-16.00 | Closing the conference (Conference Hall, "White Springs") |