Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods And Technologies, Digital Collections. Third All-Russian Scientific Conference
Petrozavodsk, September 11-13, 2001

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The Conference topics

include but are not limited to:
  • Modes and standards for information and metainformation representation (including thesauri and ontologies) in DL

  • Methods and tools for data search, discovery, retrieval and analysis in DL

  • Access to distributed and heterogeneous digital collections: interoperability, scalability, relevant information discovery, metainformation integration

  • Open architectures for digital information environments

  • Methods and tools for DL use. Intelligent user interfaces, agent technologies, cooperative work on the data, data visualization (rendering) and analysis

  • Analysis and processing of the natural languages, images, video-, audio- and other data

  • Multilingual data access and multilingual data service

  • DL, DL prototype and digital collections for science, education, culture, health care and management

  • Digital collections in traditional libraries, museums, archives, information centers

  • Advanced technologies of digital collection generation, storage and system maintenance

  • Digital collection cataloging, indexing, referencing, maintenance of integrity and consistency

  • DL security and information protection

  About the conference

Last mofified on November 24, 2000