The Conference topics
include but are not limited to:
Modes and standards for information and metainformation representation (including thesauri and ontologies) in DL
Methods and tools for data search, discovery, retrieval and analysis in DL
Access to distributed and heterogeneous digital collections: interoperability, scalability, relevant information
discovery, metainformation integration
Open architectures for digital information environments
Methods and tools for DL use. Intelligent user interfaces, agent technologies, cooperative work on the data, data
visualization (rendering) and analysis
Analysis and processing of the natural languages, images, video-, audio- and other data
Multilingual data access and multilingual data service
DL, DL prototype and digital collections for science, education, culture, health care and management
Digital collections in traditional libraries, museums, archives, information centers
Advanced technologies of digital collection generation, storage and system maintenance
Digital collection cataloging, indexing, referencing, maintenance of integrity and consistency
DL security and information protection
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